I am using the Nike slogan because it fits. I started working out at 911 Center on Sunday. I did the machines and some cardio and it felt great. Monday after work I went back and did 40 minutes of CV on the 4 different machines doing 10 minutes on each to vary the workout and give my abs some variety. Tuesday I went to Yoga and stretched and worked those abs again. I have now been to Yoga 4 times in two weeks and I do believe I feel the difference and my abs are beginning to feel a little better. I am still very tight and feel stretched when I stand up tall and try to bring my shoulders back, lift my rib case and the pull is obvious. Also, my poor belly button is stretched but usually more from the end of the day push. Last night in yoga we did some really good moves that stretched my abs and rib area so much I had to do it slow and careful but it was wonderful.
I have a follow up appontment with Dr. Logan today and will see what he wants to do as far as the "tweaking" out patient surgery to finish the reconstruction. This should include reduction and tattooing, etc. I hope my recovery time is limited and if I have a soft token I can be working even while off and will not request so much FMLA.
I have been trying hard to eat better, less junk food, and more fruits and veggies and work out. Since I have started doing all this I have gained several pounds. Really? WTF is that all about? I am eating fresh cucumbers, zucchini, corn, and blueberries, cherries, canteloupe. Maybe I am eating too many calories even though they are good calories. I will not over react, slow down a little on the food, eat more fresh veggies (not starchy) and less fruit which can really add up the calories and see if this will help.
We are going to Chicago on Friday to celebrate our anniversary and I am looking forward to just seeing the sites. Walking around will burn some calories and I do not plan to over indulge but enjoy. We are going to capital grille for dinner Saturday and I already have looked at the menu. Yummy stuff. I also am trying hard to limit the amount of meat and poultry I eat and when I do have animal protein it is seafood.
Well, I will report back tomorrow on what the doctor says and will continue to do my yoga and hope to help the entire healing process.
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