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I'm a baby boomer, empty nester, nature loving, can't wait for the weekend, kinda girl.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Six Months and Counting

So Friday, August 31st I had my 2nd six month checkup with Dr. Zon.  To be honest I find these a little odd because nothing really happens.  They take my vitals, ask how I have been feeling, any aches, pains, headaches, or other things concerning, I say no, Dr. Zon does a quick exam and says everything looks good and will see me in six months.  So, I go back to her on March 1st, 2013 and that will be just over my two year mark since the end of treatment.  She also makes sure I am doing all the preventive stuff I should be, annual exams, mammograms, etc.  Prevention I guess is the key word.

It now has been over six months since my reconstructive surgery and if you would have told me before February 28th I would still be recovering I would have laughed - no way.  So, I continue to work on this every day - although somedays I just plain try to forget it.  I have been doing my stretches and strengthening sometimes and I will put in an effort to begin to do it every day at least once and the stretches 2 or 3 times per day.  I am working at making small changes that become habit.  I traditionally am an all or nothing type of person.  I tend to do things in extreme like losing weight.  I can drop 30 pounds by low carb and then I can regain those 30 pounds because I go back to regular eating of anything I want.  However, this time I am trying to make subtle, long term changes.  Like what you are asking? 

First, taking my vitamins and supplements every day.  This is not hard to actually take them but it is hard to actually remember.  I also do not take all of these horse pills at the same time because they left me with a horrible belly ache the first time I tried to do that.  So, I take my multi-vitamin and niacin after I eat breakfast.  Then after lunch I have my calcium and around dinner I have my fish oil.  Before going to bed I am taking my BP medication and tamoxifen.  So, I have them all out on the counter top and I move the bottle as I take the pill so I know where I am at. 

Second, since putting down the new carpet in the living room, Joe and I decided to stop eating in the living room which really stains up the carpet from dropped food which may look cleaned up but then attracts dirt and stains.  I can honestly tell you I never realized how much I eat in front of the tv until I have made a conscious effort to not eat in there.  OMG!  I remember when raising children they were not allowed to eat in the living room.  If they wanted to eat something it was okay as long as they ate it at the table.  Many times they opted to not eat because they weren't hungry - it was just habit and they did not want to eat at the table.  I am finding the very same thing.  It also makes me look forward to meals instead of just snacking thru the evening.  Wow.  This may be the best new habit. 

I am not sure of the next habit to develop - but I will continue to take small steps to make a big difference. 

I have not called and set up a time for the life coach to call and talk about my lab report.  I will try and do that today, so I can continue to work on the changes. 

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