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I'm a baby boomer, empty nester, nature loving, can't wait for the weekend, kinda girl.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 2 after 1st Chemo

I will admit I feel better today than yesterday, but can't imagine feeling like this for the next 4 months. And the side effects of all the stuff I am taking can kill you. I am trying to stay a little busy, do the dishes, do some laundry, take out the dog, walk around, eat a little every few hours. Unfortunatley I have already lost 7 pounds - not trying - just the way it is going. I took a shower this morning and it felt good. I am a little quesy and have had a headache since Thursday night. If I could get rid of the headache I know I would feel much better. The Mayo Clinic Trial medication does not really seem to do much for my nausea but the Ativan is wonderful. Right now I am craving mashed potates, with chicken and noodles. Gonna cook a batch later and savor it through the week. I really really want to go back to work on Monday and so am planning to stay put all weekend. This has interrupted my life so much and I don't know how to change it. My port is still sore but everything else seems to be from the chemo.

Oh, Friday I hade my neulasta shot for the white blood cell counts and she told me the side effect of that is pain in your bones. Sternum and hip/siatic area will feel lots of pressure and I may feel like I'm having a heart problem. Taking my pain medication should hep. Shish!

I know they hae always said the cure is worse than the disease and now I know what they mean. I have no medical appointments this week so I might make it through one day at a time.

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