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I'm a baby boomer, empty nester, nature loving, can't wait for the weekend, kinda girl.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Smell the Coffee

This is the first morning since chemo that I wanted a nice cup of coffee. I had to wait for it to cool off a little because my mouth/tongue is tender which is normal. Your mouth is full of gast growing cells and that is what the chemo is attacking. I rinse my mouth all day with salt water just trying to keep sores away. Little things I am learning. Oral health is extremely important and will interfere with treatment if not taken care of. This is why you lose your hair - hair cells are fast growing, cells in your mouth and throat, and your skin and nails. All suffer from chemo. I have slathering on lots of Aveena cream at night, trying to keep my mouth healthy, and there is nothing I can do about my hair but start playing with hats, turbans, and my wig when the time comes. I know it will happen (one day next week) just not really excited. I hope I can just go bald and be okay - but I am learning I won't know until it happens how I will react.

The day is early but a good one so far - best day yet this week. Stay safe everyone!

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