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I'm a baby boomer, empty nester, nature loving, can't wait for the weekend, kinda girl.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Just Another Day

The human body is an awesome thing. I am feeling so well this morning, no headache, no body ache, no nausea. I had a nice cup of coffee, watching AG day and going to wear my pedometer today and see how much I am walking during the day and try to increase those steps to 10,000.

Another interesting thing. Friday we went to Saugatuck with Chuck and Shelley and they bought me a hat (beautiful) and scarf. Those two items probably totalled $150.00 (I didn't look at price tags - just let Shelley pick out what would look good). They are both wonderful - hat is a faux fur and will be lots of fun to wear and I will continue to wear even with hair and the scarf is a blue and beige print very soft and classic. Yesterday, I ran into Target and got the two cutest hats - a black and white tweed newspaper boy cap and a gray/pink/white plaid cap for $9.99 each along with two packages of 3 inch headbands in black, white and navy blue. These two hats are actually adorable on and I plan to wear the black/white one to work today just to start the hat thing a day early.

I find you take a bad situation and make it as positive or negative as you want - I really have control over this and thank Jesus I am still staying positive.

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