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I'm a baby boomer, empty nester, nature loving, can't wait for the weekend, kinda girl.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's All Around Us

It seems in the last few months I have heard more about people being diagnosed with cancer than ever before.  Maybe it is just because I am more in tuned to the word - like when you get a new car - like an Acadia that you never really noticed before on the road and now it seems every other car is an Acadia.    I also find myself being a little careful about conversation regarding people with cancer who are not doing well or have recently died.  At work a CPS worker was talking about an investigation where mom died in June of cancer, the family basically was financially bankrupt, lost their house because dad was taking her to Chicago for cancer treatment, and now the dad and children are living in a tear down trying to fix it up and still dealing with the loss of their mom/wife.  The worker never really connected the conversation wth me (which is a good thing) but I did.   It is scary to know that people are dying every day, every hour, every minute from cancer no matter how hard they fight.  I believe I am very fortunate and I have many years ahead of me - I know there are some just trying to make it one more day. 

Don't know where that came from - sorry if it seems kinda depressing - it really isn't.   It is just life - like a heart attack, a car accident, or any other event that takes a life.  It really is all about the cycle of life - we never know when it is our time. 

By the way - I am feeling better - a little bit every day.  This has been a strange cycle of chemo and hope next week I recover a little quicker - but it is what it is and I will take whatever comes my way - and that's the nightly news here at CBS.  :-)   Thank you Walter.  Wow, did I just age myself.  

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