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I'm a baby boomer, empty nester, nature loving, can't wait for the weekend, kinda girl.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What the Heck?

So, I was not as perky after chemo 3 - no real headache no real nausea - just not feeling good.  I slept alot and was not on the computer much except to check e-mail from work and keeping the work flowing.  I am hungry, but nothing sounds good, and then when I do eat something it doesn't taste right.  I was told chemo can affect your taste buds and it has begun to do just that.  I had some frosted mini wheats which I don't usually eat but I wanted something sweet to taste - nothing - was blah.   I had some apple sauce - again, blah.  Nothing sounds good and during my other 2 chemos I had specific things I wanted - not this time.  This is not good because I will not be eating and Dr. Z will not be happy.  Believe it or not, I have to work at not losing weight.  Who knew?   I even have to work at drinking water which I like - just tastes blah - nothing much is helping.   The only thing I really like is orange/pineapple juice and I have to be careful because it has high acid which is hard on my mouth.  It is all a balancing act.  I also have to be careful about my sodium intake because I don't want anything to increase my blood pressure which runs high every time I go to the doctor - but not at home.   But the good news 3 down and only 13 more to go.  :-))

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