About Me

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I'm a baby boomer, empty nester, nature loving, can't wait for the weekend, kinda girl.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Winter Interrupted

Due to the impending winter storm warning for tonight and tomorrow with a foot of snow and blowing and drifting I changed my early morning appt with Stonegate and it is reset for February 8th. I am ready to get this step going and I hope once I have the consultation the next steps can be put into place pretty quick. I am looking forward to getting back some balance and simplifying things for me in more ways than one. I did go to my regular doctor yesterday just for a BP check. I go every three months. My weight was down 10 pounds and my BP was 119/86. My numbers are always elevated at the dr.s office so I know it was still much better. Hopefully, if I keep losing weight, exercise and watch my food I could get off the Meds all together.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


The weather has been very mild for Michigan in January. Part of me wants it to stay and part wants it to snow. I have a doctor's appt on Wed with my primary care doc who monitors my numbers. Blood pressure, blood sugars, etc oh, and my weight. I hope all the numbers are done and have been trying to be active and eat healthy. We will see. On Friday I go for consultation with Stonegate in St. Joe and am very interested to see what he says and what options I have. I would really like to NOT have to have implants and hope I can do a flap - that way I get a tummy tuck too. I will know more Friday and will report back the week of findings from all.

Hope to keep my stress levels down this week and move forward accordingly. See you all later.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Snow, Snow, Snow

I like snow but I like the fluffy big flakes falling like a post card so you can go out and play or make a snow man.

Today is the observed day for New Year's which means the Rose Parade is today and the Bowls games are today too. Weird but another day off and I plan to stay busy putting things away, cleaning out some drawers and just enjoying the last day off before back to work.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year - 2012!

Yes, I was still awake when the ball dropped in New York City and then I went to bed. I woke up about 4:30 instead of 3:30 so already the new year is going well. I expected to see snow on the ground blowing and drifting but nothing. It is windy out but still kinda warm. I think I will pop out and get in a walk w/ Broghan which will be good for both of us.

We had a lovely dinner last night with Cathy, Randy, Sharon, James and Karen. I had some escargot, Reisling, salmon, and I splurged w/ a piece of Hershey pie which was actually very light and fluffy. Today I will return to my regular eating, much less and more healthy. Seems weird I crave fresh veggies. :)

I think it is in my head but my scar hurts and my remaining skin is numb like it is rubbing against my ribs. I am so ready to get started ith surgery and hope he can do the flap using belly fat. I really don't want an implant if I can opt out of it. I guess I will know more on the 13th.

I wonder what this year will bring but I will do whatever I can to be healthy, strong and balanced. I need to plan a vacation too.