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I'm a baby boomer, empty nester, nature loving, can't wait for the weekend, kinda girl.

Monday, September 23, 2013

What Next?

So, I did call the doctor the Monday following the Sunday I saw my results and they had no information.  The nurse said the doctor would call if they got any information but not to worry too  much about it at this point.  And, when I returned last week from Ann Arbor on Thursday there was a message on the machine from the doctor's office on Tuesday asking me to call them.  I then had a game of phone tag finally staying at the  house Friday afternoon until I got the return call.  Yes, there was a very small numbers of abnormal cells but nothing the doctor is concerned about and will watch so be sure to come back next year and see what happens with them.  Really???   I even asked "next year?" are you sure we wait that long.  Yes was the answer.  So, I see Dr. Z in a few weeks and I will let her tell me the same thing.  I will switch medications this visit and maybe that will make a difference.  The doctor did say they tested for HPV and I did not have any which is the virus which is linked to cervical cancer so I guess that was a good thing.  Sheesh, the more I know the less I know.

So, for right now, I will continue to exercise, eat healthy, go to my checkups faithfully and take whatever comes my way.  I will also listen to my instincts which have been pretty accurate up until now and if something doesn't feel right I will follow up.  But, now I will just keeping working at working, looking forward to a couple years down the road when I can stop working, and then plan every day to the fullest possible adventures I am capable of accomplishing.  Life is good!

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